With October being Cybersecurity Awareness Month, the Automation Ladies decided to speak with some experts in the field Leah & Hayley. Leah is the Principal Cybersecurity Specialist at Nextlink labs, while Hayley is a Product Marketing Specialist for Network and Security at Phoenix Contact. Follow them on LinkedIn!

These cybersecurity ladies discuss ways to protect yourself against cyberattacks, what to look out for as an individual and as a company to stay safe, and the importance of having standards across the board.

Disclaimer: With this being a LinkedIn Live technical difficulties can happen. Unfortunately, this chat was cut short and the stream was unable to continue.

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Co-Hosts are Alicia Gilpin Director of Engineering at Process and Controls Engineering LLC, and Nikki Gonzales Head of Partnerships at Quotebeam

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Music by Samuel Janes

Audio Editing by Laura Marsilio

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