Automation and Sustainability Engineer
Born and Raised in the neighborhood of Engomadeira in Salvador the Capital of Bahia, one of the north-eastern states of Brazil, I graduated in Mechatronic Engineering even when many would believe I would never succeed, I came through despite all the challenges I had for being a black female from a favela in Brazil. I After securing a good position as Maintenance engineer in a Tyres manufactory company my desire for growth was always alive. It was when I decided to move from Brazil to Ireland. In Ireland I not only learned English but I also sharpened many of my people skills. always looking to improve my technical knowledge I completed a Higher Diploma in Science in computing while working in the healthcare sector. When I finally secured a work visa, I still didn't rest. I kept studying and completed CPDs in Energy Sustainability, Project Management, and also in sustainability & ESG. So then I could work better with Industry 4.0, automation and Sustainability. Now im Energy Reduction, Industry 4.0, and Sustainability champion in a multinational company in the automotive sector, working with cross-functional teams across the Americas and Europe to develop integrated projects for a more sustainable manufacturing process.