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Automation Ladies: How-To Invite Guests & Promote Events on LinkedIn

This video will show you how to help promote LinkedIn events you will speak at with Automation Ladies!

Follow these steps to boost attendance:

0:26 - Like, repost, and comment on all posts you are mentioned in related to the event to boost the LinkedIn algo.

2:21 - Be on the lookout for a notification that you are an invited speaker & check the event to confirm that you are listed as a speaker.

2:52 - Manually copy and paste the event link to share in messages, emails, etc. to family, friends, and colleagues.

3:33 - Repost the event on your LinkedIn feed and tag Automation Ladies, Nikki, Ali, and other colleagues you will be speaking with.

4:45 - Use the share and invite feature to invite people in your network who may be interested in the event.

6:27 - Bonus! Get your company to promote the event on their website, email list, and LinkedIn account.